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Wednesday 5 October 2016


Text: 1st peter 3:3, 1st peter 3:6-7

There is saying that cleanliness is next to godliness. It is good and honorable to keep ourselves clean from the inside to the outside to the respect of our husband and wife. In 1peter 3:3 the bible says “your beauty should not come from outward adornment; such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Many women think that wearing their fine dress and painting their nails and mouth is cleanliness. No its not; you can be clean outside but
dirty inside. Let me tell you what it means by woman or man’s cleanliness. Woman or man cleanliness is not adorning yourself with ornament and perfume; it is not painting your mouth, putting on long weave-on or even painting your nails that make you clean. Many women say that other women have stolen or snatched their husbands from them through charms. Hear me! It is not charms, but you send your husband away by your own unclean altitude. Some women/men have a very bad character, bad behavior. Some women are very dirty, likewise men. The sweat that comes out their body is brownish in color showing uncleanliness. Let me show why some men reject their wife; there are some women who are an embodiment of perfume, which is their body odor is perfume even when they have not spray any perfume you cannot breathe fresh air, when they are around. You will wish they walk away or you walk away from them. Some reasons why men reject their wife are:
1.    Hair odor: it is one thing to make hair and it is another thing to maintain it or prevent it from smelling. When your hair start smelling and you are the type of woman that like quarrelling when your husband corrects you, he will not tell you, but when it’s time to go to bed with him, he will avoid you and turn his back on you because of the hair odor. Hear I also tell the husband to give their wife money to wash their hair twice a month if possible for a sweet home.
2.    Mouth odor: some women mouth is disturbing when they open it to talk to you, you can faint because of the odor. So try to brush your teeth two times in a day and also learn to brush your teeth before you go to bed.
3.    Armpit odor: it is one of the important parts of the body that develop very bad odor if not kept clean. Some people don’t care about the smell, some wife can’t cope with it and husband can’t cope with the smell, so please always take your evening bath before you go to bed.
4.    The Private part: some people don’t know how to keep it clean. When going to toilet, a woman should not clean her anus to the front but to the back, if a woman cleans her anus to the front some of the particles of excreta may enter into her vagina carnal. This may develop some disease in the vagina which causes discharge and odor. If you don’t keep it clean the odor will make your husband reject you.
5.    The brassier odor: don’t wear a dirty or unclean brassier because it produces bad odor.
6.      The pant: it’s a piece of garment underwear  used for protecting the private part of the body, this part are places where you send out bad air like excreta, fart, urine and sweat. These waste products are always smelly thereby causing the part to smell, so wash it always.
7.    The cloth odor: some cloth do change their odor after washing, especially when it is not properly dried so don’t wear it, wash it again. As you do these your home will be sweet again.

1.    Every harm and damage ever done to my marriage be repaired in the name of Jesus
2.    Thou home breakers assigned to break my home die by fire in the name of Jesus.
3.    Every bad odor my enemies produce from my body so that my husband/wife hates me be destroyed by fire.


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Text: Romans 2 :1 A , 1 King 7:3- 12 God is tired of our excuses, when it comes to our services for Him or other areas of our life. So ...

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