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Wednesday, 28 December 2016


Text: Deut 33:23
Life is not all about labour, but it is the function of favour. Because not all that labour are favoured. I will always say; all men are born equal, but all men are never equal. Why? Because when favour rest upon a man, no matter his position in the family, his older brothers will respect him because of the favour on his life.

This week favour will mark you out, favour will cry for you, you will touch favour, you will stand upon favour, favour will locate your house   in the name of Jesus.
Favor is God making you what no man ever thought you could be, that is to say there is no one favoured by God that does not make a difference in life. When God favoured Abraham, he was made a different person; God favoured Jacob and Joseph, God favoured Daniel and David. And they all made a very noticeable difference in their generation. In other words when heaven make a choice nobody can change it. This week you are God;s choice for extra-ordinary favour.
From today, heavenly doors shall open for you in the name of Jesus. No man meet with favour and remain the same. Why? Because favour is the ladder for divine lifting. This week I see the lifting hand of God lifting your destiny above your equal in the mighty name of Jesus.
By the reason of the anointing for divine favour; this week promotion will rest upon your home, business. Your hand work will enter into uncommon prosperity from today in the mighty name of Jesus.
So pastor what are those keys that I must operate on to receive favour from God.
1.    You must be obedient unto God Ecc 12:13; obedience unto God is our covenant duty for our blessing. Our obedience must be wholeheartedly not partial obedience but with all your heart Deut 26:16. We must obey God in all things Duet 5:32 that is observe to do as the lord commanded you.
Obedience carries a blessing if you obey the lord, he will set a blessing before you. Deut 11:26-27 in other word obedience opens the doors of favour to you. Bishop David Oyedepo said favour is your reward for obedience, so your life must please God to qualify you for the divine favour from Him. As you pay your tithe faithfully it shows that you obeyed God and His word, then He will favour you because your tithe is your door to financial favour.
2.    Have a good prayer life : acts 6:4 when you stand in God’s presence men will stand for you. When you prevail in Gods presence every life situation will bow for you. So it is better to spend at least one hour alone with God before doing anything else, because your prayer life opens door for God’s favour.
3.    Living a Holy Life – Romans 8:1-2
When you refuse to be confirmed with the worldly system. You refuse to compromise your Christian faith no matter what is happening around you.
God’s favour will come, so the only thing that can attract God and his favour to a man is holy living. Holiness is the beauty of the believer, so God expect us to begin to practice a holy living for heavenly favour.
From today, when you change; you will experience a change that no man can reverse in your life. Unusual transformation is about taking place in your life this week, so the only key to God’s favour  are obedience, a good prayer life and holy living. When these three are in place your heaven will open in the name of Jesus.
1.    Oh lord I receive grace to live a holy life from today.
2.    Give me grace to obey your words
3.    Oh lord increase my prayer life.



  1. Powerful message for me and a must for God'Minister.

  2. Greating God bless you all thanks for sharing

  3. God is great

  4. This is a very very powerful teaching. If preached very well it will definitely open peoples eyes

  5. I say a powerful Amen 🙏 to this prayer, and I pray for God's favour to rest on me in Thy Mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 🙏

  6. i love this message and it is powerful i say amen



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