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Wednesday 28 December 2016


TEXT: MATTHEW 26:14 – 16
If you know that Satan will not succeed in your life stand and shout a loud Amen. If God does not kill you, no man can bury you, if God does not approve your death no man can kill you. After this encounter you will not die this month in the name of Jesus. No price without a pain, those that gain always increase in their skill while prayers live in pain. Hear me! The power of the command is determined by the authority of the commander.

This week every pain and sorrow in your life I command comes to an end in the name of Jesus. Only those that meet grace goes beyond disgrace and those that observe the word move the world. You will go far in life; you will become a world mover God will give you grace in place of disgrace in the great name of Jesus. Don’t price my life is not for sale.
The bible says Jesus came as a gap filler he took our place and gave us His position. He took our slavery and gave us liberty, that is he fill the gap for us.
So every gap fillers have a great standard. The gap between sickness and health is a smiling look. The gap between hell and heaven is sin, the gap between grace and disgrace is Jesus and the gap between riches and poverty is knowledge. By the anointing every unknown gap between you and your prosperity shall be filled-up in the mighty name of Jesus.
Don’t price my life, its not for sale. In matthew 26:14-16 we are told that Judas Iscariot was negociating Jesus life with the chief priest. Judas said, what will you pay me if I hand over Jesus to you? In the temple price was fixed and agreed on Jesus life. They said we will give you thirty pieces of silver. So Judas sold Jesus to the chief priest to be killed.
1.     We buy things because we need them.
2.     We buy things because of the value we place on them.
3.     We buy things either to use it or destroy, so the chief priest bought Jesus life to destroy it.
Don’t price my life, its not for sale. There are many of us here, our enemies are pricing our life every day, they want to kill us, they want us dead but after tonight they will die our death in the name of Jesus.
1.     After these encounter by the spirit of God, a new anointing for great achievement will locate you.
2.     Grace to accomplish much with little will come upon you.
3.     You will defeat your enemies no matter how many they are.
4.     You will step into the next level of your life.
5.     You will begin to rule what was ruling you
6.     You will end poverty in your life.

·        OH LORD, I refuse to sell my life.
·        Every Judas in my family who was to sell my life, destiny. Hang and die.

·        Oh lord I buy back my life, destiny with the blood of Jesus Christ.


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Text: Romans 2 :1 A , 1 King 7:3- 12 God is tired of our excuses, when it comes to our services for Him or other areas of our life. So ...

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