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Wednesday, 28 December 2016


I came to prophecy that the voice of shame, embarrassment and reproach shall not be seen in your house any more.
·       You will hear the voice of favour
·       You will hear the voice of breakthrough
·       You will hear the voice of testimony.
·       The voice of disappointment shall disappear in your life, you will not hear the voice of death.

·       The voice of hardship shall not be heard around you.
·       You will not hear the voice of frustration.
Somebody say I hear the voice! In Samuel 3:4 – 10 the bible says a young boy called Samuel  sleeping and he heard a voice calling him at night; and that voice change his destiny.
·       You will hear a voice that will change your story.
·       You will hear the voice of victory, hope and prosperity. Somebody say I hear a voice.
When the sons and daughter of God where marching to Jericho, all that the people in Jericho heard was the voice of destruction.
·       Your enemies shall hear the voice of destruction.
·       They will hear the voice of death, trouble, thunder.
In Gen 12:1-3 a man of 7years old heard a voice and that voice blessed him and made him to become great nation. You will hear a voice of supernatural blessing.
Hear a voice of increase, lifting. In Ezekiel 37:3 a man called Ezekiel heard a voice asking him can this born live and he said thou knowest. I came to prophecy; you will hear a voice of healing, restoration, and life.
I came to announce to you it won’t be long. Tell your brother shake my hand while you hear the opportunity now, because after today something will change. Goodness is coming, it won’t be long. New level will show forth, you will be connected to new thing, you will receive letters of new things. I want to release (13) prophetic blessing that will follow in this week.
1.    Favour will follow you
2.    You will be rewarded
3.    You will be lifted
4.    God will settle you
5.    You will break barriers
6.    You will breakforth
7.    You will have enviable progress
8.    You will break new grounds
9.    Sound of jubilation will be heard in your house.
10.                       Mercy will follow you
11.                       Happiness will not seize in your house
12.                       You will break barriers and cross line.
13.                       Your business will break barriers, cross lines in the name of Jesus.
There are three kinds of voices in the world.
1.    The voice of God.
2.    The voice of Men
3.    The voice of the Devil.
Every voice has a spirit behind it, every voice has it signification (i.e its meaning and every voice has an agenda. Whatever is the evil voice agenda in your life shall be silence by fire this week.
In 1 corinth 14:10 the bible says there are, it may be, so many voices in the world, but none of them is without signification that is none of them is without meaning. So we are surrounded with all kinds of voice and if we are not careful, we wi;ll follow the wrong voice.
There is a voice that can kill you or cause you to commit sucide. There is a voice that can make you to commit sin. There is a voice that can open or create your destiny and there is a voice that can destroy it when God wanted to create the world, he used a voice. The bible says the spirit of the lord move upon the surface of the deep and God said, let there be ‘’ and there was, that was the authoritative voice of God. In John 10:27 the bible said, my sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me.
So whose voice are you following? There are so many strange voice that have the capacity to affect a person at the gate of his destiny. The voice you obey can have a great impact on your destiny.
There are voices that can cause total confusion at the gate of your success. There are voices that can determine how far you can go in life.
There are voice that speak for or against your marriage. There are voice that can demote, divert, misguide, mislead and cause total confusion in the journey of one’s life. There are voices that can lead one into error and will never recover from it. There are voice that can confuse, disgrace, trouble, frustrate, disappoint and torture life. These are the problem with drug addicts, achoholism, fornications and smokers. They keep hearing a voice telling them to smoke, to drink etc.
Every evil voice subduing you into any kind of evil addict, be silence by fire. To the achoholism, there is a voice that control them, giving them a command and forces them to do most of the things they do.
A voice will say don’t do this, while another voice will say do it, this morning every strange voice altering your destiny I silence it in the name of Jesus.
·       Voice are entities
·       Voice are powerful
·       Voice are significant or important
·       Fear has a voice
·       Sickness has a voice
·       Disappointment has a voice
·       Poverty has a voice
Frustration, confusion, failure, unhappiness, doubt all have a voice. So also do happiness, joyfulness, prosperity, success and abundance all have a voice so any voice you decide to obey out of all these will determine your destiny. It will determine how far you will go in the journey of life. The question here today is what kind of voice are you listening to? Because the voice you obey determine whether you live in victory or  not, the voice you follow will determine whether you move forward or not.
He said those sheep heard the voice of Jesus and follow Him. This week you will hear Jesus speaking to you. Those that follow the shepherd never gets into trouble, never gets frustrated.
I speak into your life, you will never get into trouble this week in the name of Jesus.

·       I silence evil satanic voice at the evil gate crying against my destiny.
·       I command every satanic voice controlling my destiny in the name of Jesus.
·       Every satanic voice crying against me from any demonic gate, be silent by the blood of Jesus.



  1. Awesome... Love this. So true

  2. I am really blessed with this sermon. More auctions to function in His vineyard in Jesus name

  3. I love this prayer please send other posts like cleanliness in marriage and prayer against marriage destruction.



Text: Romans 2 :1 A , 1 King 7:3- 12 God is tired of our excuses, when it comes to our services for Him or other areas of our life. So ...

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