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Sunday 16 October 2016


TEXT: 1st TIMOTHY 5:8 COLOSIANS 3:18 – 19

A home is a place where people live or stay. For example where mother, father and children live or stay is called home. So when we talk about responsibilities of husband and wife at home, we mean their different role they must play fir the smooth running of the home or the different kind of duties each of them have to carry out for a successful running of the family. But before I continue I will like to draw our attention to some basic truth about marriage.

1.    marriage is good – proverbs 18:22

2.    marriage is honorable – Hebrew 13:4

3.    marriage is a happy thing – proverbs 5:18, Ecclesiastes 9:9

marriage is not for boys and or girls, it is not for children or teenagers, but marriage is designed only for adults. So if you are not an adult, you are not permitted to enter into marriage. So in marriage the man is the husband, he is the head and the leader of the home. Eph 5:23, Gen 3: 16 , 1st Cor 11:7 – 9.

 The woman is the wife, the mother and the queen of the family. She should be treated honorably -1st peter 3:17. the product and the blessing of the marriage is the children psalm 127:3-5, psalm 128:3-6.

Also servant, strangers, relations, parents and in-law are all members of our family system and our home 1st peter 4:7-11. The word responsibility speaks of the duty which a person is responsible for and may be blamed if something goes wrong. It is said uneasy lies the head that wears the crown, so the father being the head of the family has numerous responsibilities.

1.     The first responsibility is leaving and cleaving: the man leave his family and cleave to his wife, but we have some man who do not leave family and cleave to his wife according to the bible, rather they leave their wife and cleave to family. This is the kind of  man the family decides for him when to give food at home, when to do sex, when to be at home with his children and when to be at home with his children and when to marry the second wife for them. It is the family that decides how many girl friend he should keep. In fact most family member habour girl friend for their brother. This is wrong but when the bible talks about leaving and cleaving, what does it mean. It means both of them should be one, stay together, plan together, and respect father in-law and mother in-law together.

Why must you as a man cleave to your wife? It is because she is your helper and companion at all times, she is your adviser, she is your manager or economist. It is because she cares for your food, happiness, health and general well being. You cleave to her because she takes care of your children, visitors and properties.

2.    The second responsibility of the hand to provide protection for his wife: Col 3:8 – 9. The husband should protect their wife from:

1.     Destructive criticism of relations and neighbors.

2.    Every kind of danger threatening her life.

3.    Temptation of fornication by satisfying her on bed.

4.    Over labor

5.    Over bearing children, she is not your child producing machine.

3.    the third responsibility is love your wife Eph 5:25 – 33, 1st cor 13:1. love your wife and be willing to sacrifice everything for her. Love her and make her your next priority after God, Love her and make her as you care for your own body. Love her as Christ love the church and gave himself for it. When should we love our wives? Love her when she behaves well, when she doesn’t behave well, when she has money to support you and when she don’t have money to support you, love her when she satisfies you on bed and when she cannot satisfy you on bed. In other words love her at all time.

4.    the fourth responsibility of the husband is provision: 1st Timothy 5:8. the husband provide their clothing, he provides shelter, he takes care of the family alter (spiritual need) like leading his children and wife to know God, lead them in family bible study etc. the husband buy her gifts everyday or at least once a week. He encourage her in her abilities and disabilities. He help his wife in some domestic work if the need arises. The husband avoid abusing his wife and her parent, he apologize to her when you are wrong, be very transparent. All your properties should bear the tittle Mr. and Mrs. Tell your wife all about your movement, avoid complaining about her to your parents, brothers, sisters and friends. Admire and appreciate her dressing, tell her you love her, try to avoid what she dislike. When you practice these, your home will be sweet.


1.    Every power manipulating my marriage, receive the fire of God in the name of Jesus.

2.    Every strongman assigned to break my home; I bulldoze you to die in the name of Jesus.

3.    I recover my matrimonial home from every satanic manipulation in Jesus name.

4.    I receive grace to perform my manly duty as the man of the home.


1.    This week, every marital battle in your home comes to an end in the name of Jesus.

2.    This week marks the beginning of sweet home and marriage in the name of Jesus.



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Text: Romans 2 :1 A , 1 King 7:3- 12 God is tired of our excuses, when it comes to our services for Him or other areas of our life. So ...

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