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Sunday 16 October 2016


TEXT: Genesis 24:58, Amos 3:3

Sweet is something that brings excitement; it is something that brings love, peace and care. So when we say something is sweet, we mean we like it, and wish to have it more and more.

In this our month of sweet marriage and home may God make your life, home, business and job a sweet one in the mighty name of Jesus. The originator of male and female is God, God created male and female to bring happiness to our life. He designed it to meet or solve the problem of loneliness. So the mystery of male and female was conceive by God and God alone. Adam was in a perfect environment where there was no evil. But yet he was found very lonely.

In Gen 2:18-25, the bible says “and the lord said it is not good that the man should be alone, I will make an help meet for him. So Eve was the cure to Adam’s loneliness, in other words Adam married Eve. So marriage is not what man has instituted but God alone started it. Marriage is a heart to heart issue, marriage is life and should be entered with eyes open and not eyes close.

How do we enter into marriage? Gen 2:24.

Marriage begins with leaving – all others, close relationship, outside marriage, all other lesser relationship must be broken for the sake of marriage. If you are here, you have not leaved other relationship and you are in marriage; get ready for a big problem.

Marriage also end with cleaving, so when you leave, you cleave together to the man of your choice in Gen 2:22-23 He said Adam said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. Where was the woman taken from the man’s body?

She was not taken from his head, so that she would rule over the man, that is woman cannot be the head but they are only helpers. (but the neck). She was not taken from his foot, so that she would become a foot mat. So do not make your wife your foot mat by kicking and beating her everyday, she is not your foot mat; God didn’t take her bone from your feet but she was taken from his rib, so close to his heart; this is so, so that he would love her, protect her and keep her by his side. God made it that way, so that you can respect and value her.

 But in Africa or Nigeria, some culture ridicule womaen and promote man. The man or husband is place highly as kings, boss and semi-gods. The husband is considered terrors and dictators, no one question the man’s authority because he is “Mr. Right”. The wife is regarded as slave, who have no say, all she need to say is yes sir or yes dear; the wife is bound to obey their husband in everything wether it is good or bad. The wife is regarded as inferior, she is only there to satisfy the man sexually, she is treated like property bought with money. That is husband may request to return them back or send them packing. She is treated without respect, no one cares about her feeling. This is the Africa culture point of view about husband and wife

Hear me! but before God, how the both stand. Both male and female have equal standing in Christ. They are co-hears of God’s kingdom, they are one in Christ and worship together in the church.

In 1st peter 3:7 the bible says men should treat their wife with respect, so that their prayer will not be hindered by God. No wonder our husband’s prayer are not being answered by God, they ask but can’t receive, seek but can’t fine, they knock but the door refuse to open to them. Because they are maltreating their wife, they are oppressing their wife. There are levels of breakthrough you as a husband cannot get because of this your attitude of maltreating your wife at home. You become an angel outside but in the house you are a beast, but when you respect, love, care for her/him both with your pocket. You will experience an open heaven in all you do.

I prey that your home will be a happy one this month in the mighty name of Jesus.


Love is the bass of marriage, without love there is no marriage. One of the way to express love in marriage:

1.    SHOWING CARE OR CARING: how do you care for your wife/husband? Do you care about her feeling, needs, health, want, future living. How caring are you?

2.    SHARING: do you share your possession with your wife or husband, or you share your wealth outside and come back empty and tell her I don’t have etc. your care determine your love or it define your love for her.

3.    RENDERING ASSISTANCE: most husbands don’t want any good thing to come to their wife. They want to see them begging and suffering. A wise man will assist his wife, knowing that if it’s good for her, it’s good for him and the children. By showing respect – some wife or husband don’t show respect to their wife or husband. They abused them openly and secretly etc.

4.    Exchange gift – some men have never buy anything to the mother of their children.

5.    By word of your mouth – so many men condemn their wife, they talk about them everywhere to get favor from other women which they want to have carnal knowledge of.

Hear me! Any marriage outside Christ is in crisis, if your home is in crisis then begins to look for Christ and commit your home to him and you will be happy again. I pray that your marriage will be sweeter this month.



1.    Every evil scatterer of my home be destroyed by fire.

2.    Every peace and happiness highjacker in my marriage be destroy by fire.

3.    Oh lord! Restore my home, marriage in the name of Jesus.


1.    This month the solid rock will make your home stand, it shall not crumble.

2.    Every agent of disunity in your home shall run away from you.

3.    God will soften the hardened heart of your lovers for your sake in the great name of Jesus.


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Text: Romans 2 :1 A , 1 King 7:3- 12 God is tired of our excuses, when it comes to our services for Him or other areas of our life. So ...

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