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Thursday 8 September 2016


 Text: proverb 23:7a, proverb 14:23
The foundation of wealth is knowledge, so if you know well you will do well. For your strength in life is the function of your dead in knowledge.  So in this kingdom what you cannot see, you cannot possessed. What you cannot see you cannot enter. God said unto Abraham as far as your eyes can see I give thee.
So this day what can you see? Whatever you can see this month becomes your possession in the mighty name of Jesus.
In John 5:4 it said whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. There is something in you that can overcome everything on earth. There is something in you that can overcome disease and sickness in your body, that can overcome failure, poverty, pains & sorrows and that is faith. So faith is a substance of things hope for, an evidence of things not seen. So In the place of shadow, God will be giving you a substance this week in the mighty name of Jesus.
Faith failure is worst than heart failure, and until your faith fail, you don’t fail. So Faith for prosperity means producing the desired substance for wealth. For He said faith cometh by hearing the word of God. So what you hear determines what you see and what you see determines what you get and what you get becomes your possession. So there is no where God has moved without faith, because without faith because without faith it is impossible to please God.
That is to say it is impossible to move God without faith. So how can I get faith , it’s by hearing the word of God. But it says He taketh pleasure in my prosperity; so every true prosperity begins within. Prosperity means excelling in something desirable. In other words until you desire prosperity, you cannot excel in it. So to desire prosperity is not a sin. Is there anybody who don’t like money; let me give you some basic fact about money. One of the things that are competing with God in this world is money; you are either serving God or money. So money is the next thing to man after God. God ha power to control and money too can control the world but the difference is that the love of God giveth life in proverbs 13:11 it said wealth gotten by vanity shall diminish but he that gathereth by labor shall increase. So every act of stealing to be prosperous shall diminish but wealth gathered by labor shall increase.   
This week as you labor the lord shall increase your wealth in the mighty name of Jesus. I curse every sign of poverty In your family in the name of Jesus.
So pastor what must I do to receive faith for prosperity?
1.     It’s by the word Hebrew 4:2 it said for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them, but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. Why did the word preached not profit them? Because in the word also the word they heard was not mixed with faith so they cannot e established by the word. They cannot be blessed by the word, so the word is of no effect until faith is mixed with it. In other word, profit can only be derived or get from the word of faith. So it is not to you according to your knowledge, it is not to you according to your power but it is to you according to your faith. In is Isaiah 7:9 he said if ye will not believe ye shall not be established. So the word is not established until it is believed. So believe the word of God, he said faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God. You hear to believe for the word is seed that give rise to prosperity. The word is the end of all strives, is the end of all poverty, pain and sorrows. So if you touch the word of God right now with your faith, the virtue in the word will flow into you for prosperity.                                                                            
I decree today that the hand of God will forever be upon you, for prosperity in the mighty name Jesus. So pastor else must I do o receive faith for prosperity.
2.    By your thought: proverbs 23:7a he said as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. So what you believe will determine what you become, and what you become will determine your placement here on earth. So the state of your mind determines the state of your life. And until you put your mind to work prosperity will not come. For it is the imagination of your mind that set the space for your destination. So imagine the life you want and decide to go for it because all things is possible, if you can imagine it Gen 11:6b he said nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. So anything you imagine you can do. For what you cannot imagine you cannot become because imagination is the mother of doing. So imagine the kind of life you want to live and go for it.
For as a man thinketh, as a man imagine, believeth and desire in his heart so is he. It is your mental picture that determines your actual future. So your thought determines your purpose determines your action. Your action determines your habits and your habits decide your character. Your character fixed your destiny on earth. So it is your mental picture that defines your actual future. You cannot be greater than what you think in your mind. you can not think evil and you have a righteous life, the quality of your life is tread to the quality of what you know, your authority ends where your knowledge ends. Your success stops where your knowledge ends. So when your knowledge ends that is where your problem starts that is where failure comes in. that is where poverty settles in your life.
That is where witches are suspected to be the cause of the frustration. For where your knowledge ends, that is where your problem starts. Listen to me! Christianity is not a physical battle but it is the battle of the mind. It is the mind that control what happen to you in life. So what enters into your mind enters into your hand.
For whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe. It can achieve because your mind is the master power that can mold and make your destiny. This week the lord will increase your faith for prosperity in the great name of Jesus. This week through your mind you will create your world.
This day marks the beginning of your achievement in life in the name of Jesus. Raise your voice and say oh lord I receive faith for prosperity this week in the name of Jesus. I receive grace for prosperity in Jesus name. As you go out, today marks the end of every disappointment in your life.   


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Text: Romans 2 :1 A , 1 King 7:3- 12 God is tired of our excuses, when it comes to our services for Him or other areas of our life. So ...

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